By Gideon Tobiloba

The Council for the Registration of Engineering in Nigeria in a bid to register more qualified engineering practitioners in Nigeria has concluded plans to conduct professional interview for eligible engineers. This professional interview is scheduled to hold at different geopolitical zones in the country.

The professional interview is a procedure individuals trained in engineering must go through before they can be referred to as engineers and have licence to practice as engineers. The exercise which started in Abuja on the 3rd of October moved to Lagos where hundreds of engineers were assembled to be tested during the precess.

In speaking with the Registrar of the Council Engr. Prof Joseph Odigure in Lagos during the exercise, he emphasized on the importance of the professional interview saying "if we truly want to curb quackery, building collapse and all other engineering or infrastrural deficit, then its a must we make all engineer pass through this process. He said, this process entails a written test, interview and research work sub!mission.

The exercise was taken very seriously by the Council which prompted the selection of core professionals as examiners to execute the entire process. The Chief Examiner of the exercise Engr. Prof Uche was impressed with the quality of examiners selected and the candidates. He opined that COREN is trying to ensure they get it right as this exercise serves as the foundation on which engineering success would be built in Nigeria. That, the council is doing everything it can to restore confidence in the profession and rid it off quackery and incompetence.

To be eligible for this exercise, a candidate must have required qualifications, at least 4 years of post graduate experience and a completed research work because this is what makes anyone a practitioner. This is the opinion of the chairperson of the occasion who monitored the entire process and ensured it did not fall short of expectations.

Though, some examiners confessed some of the candidates are not good enough to be registered yet but not ruling out room for improvement as they did not hesitate to appraise the top quality of majority of the candidates. Overall, they were all full of praise of the Council for the organization of the entire process. States like Katsina, Calabar, Owerri, Bauchi, etc that represent other regions are next in line to host the Council for the exercise.

Engineering Today News Blog


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