Engr. Atinuke Wuraola Owolabi, MD/CEO of Wurvicat launches a free Solar Technology Training for 5000 youths in Nigeria

Wtr Gideon Tobiloba

As Nigeria continues to battle epileptic power supply and unemployment, experts believe alternative energy is the way to go and one of such expert is Engr. Atinuke Wuraola Owolabi, MNSE, MNIEEE, the MD/CEO of Wurvicat Solar Foundation who recently in Lagos launched a campaign to train 5000 young Nigerians in solar technology free of charge in a project tagged "PROJECT ENERGY 247 A.C.E"  which means 24 hours, 7days Affordable  Clean Energy. This is a five- year plan that is set out to train over five thousand (5000) STEM Youth Corp members across the nation with the pilot scheme starting in LAGOS STATE on "Affordable Clean Energy". It is a year free technical hands-on training that will equip fresh graduates  ( Members of the National Youth Service Corps) with the relevant economic and hands-on skills on Solar Energy Technology  and at the same time position them as agents of positive change across the nation.

The training which will commence on Saturday the 21st of March 2020 in Ogba area of Lagos is created in order to train 5000 STEM Corp Members on how to build and install solar panels so as to take electricity to the remote areas using our Youth Corp Members to achieve the SDG 7 affordable and clean energy and it will last thoughout the year.

Youths in Lagos most especially Corp Members are said to be registering in mass for this great opportunity that is completely free. But according to Engr. Atinuke Wuraola Owolabi, there is still room for more people to register. Her aim is to train at least 5000 youths with lots of core professionals listed to be available as facilitators.

The free training empowerment is supported by the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Nigerian Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria among many other. Registration is still ongoing online at http://bit.ly/2vUxD02 and its completely free! Numbers to call for enquiries or participation is, 08033848454 or 08131958858.

Youths are adviced to take this opportunity with both hands and register for this before it gets too late. Registration again its totally free.


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